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Mike Gardner - Growing up in Florida's Space Coast I have always been fascinated with flight. My dad and I dabbled in modelling when I was younger but I didn't really start flying RC until after college. I picked up a 2M RES model at a swap meet and quickly found the joy of thermals. I participated in my first FSS contests in early 2015 and quickly found myself "all in" by quickly graduating from built-up airframes to full composite models. I now participate in many different soaring disciplines and also regularly act as contest director for regional soaring contests. Flying at FSS events brought me into contact with some of the best soaring pilots in the USA. It has also introduced me to some of the best people I've had the pleasure to meet.

Paul Mittendorff - I started flying in 1993.  Always wanted to fly RC and after graduating college I found my self in a position to start.   

Of course I then went about it the hard way. Started solo and spent quite a lot of time "repairing" my first glider.  But I will always remember the day I came off my highstart and about 1 minute later realized I was higher now then I was when I started.... My first thermal!

I later met up with a bunch of other fine flyers in my local "sticker" field.  Soon they introduced me to the cub flying off the Pompano Landfill....  Been flying ever since.

Rick Eckel - A Professional Engineer by trade, began modelling by building and flying small .049 u-control models when he was in junior high school.  After high school he took a hiatus from modelling while he attended college, served in Vietnam, got married and began his career.  In 1993 Rick's brother became interested in electric RC.  Brother Ken built the PT-E that got Rick active in RC.

On the way out of his neighborhood to maiden the PT-E Rick spotted and followed another modeller to the Buzzard's field.  The Buzzards helped trim and fly the plane and let Rick hang around until he broke down and built a Spirit 2m sailplane and became a member.  He has been an avid flyer and soaring competitor ever since.  He has served as the Orlando Buzzard's President and a CD (Contest Director) for many years and enjoys helping other pilots improve their flying technique and skills whenever he can.

Treasurer Score Keeper

Steve Blake - My introduction to RC was through my father who built me a free flight glider from balsa with tissue covered wings.  My interest stayed with free flight and control line for a couple of years but I strayed from model planes to pursue other interests.  Some years later my cousin invited me to join some friends on a range of kills in the south of England where they were slope soaring, that was it.  I built myself a Chris Foss Phase One and did not look back.

When I cam to the States in 1998 I was eagerly looking for model shops and slopes, wow no slopes.  I took another hiatus from RC.  The bug bit again and I went through different types of foam planes but no gliders.  I read an article on thermal soaring in particular F3J.  I proceeded to order an Xplorer 2 3.8.  I built it from videos online, had no idea how to set it up or fly it let alone thermal it.  Next I joined the Orlando Buzzards. Now here we are.